Introduction to CMSMC

Hello and welcome! The Coalition of Master’s Scholars on Material Culture (CMSMC) is an online publication dedicated to publishing work on material culture from master’s scholars. We define “master’s scholars” as current master’s students and those possessing a master’s degree.

CMSMC seeks to fill a gap for emerging master’s scholars, who are at a crucial point in their academic careers, and allow them to publish their work and contribute to the expanding field of material culture. We are a platform run by fellow Master’s Scholars for Master’s Scholars and are not affiliated with any specific university or institution. 

 Based on our current Editorial Board’s expertise, we are accepting work from scholars in:

  1. Archaeology

  2. Art History

  3. History

  4. Museum Studies

Content will be published weekly and submissions are rolling. Our content guidelines can be found here

CMSMC seeks to foster interdisciplinary discussions and address a diverse pool of topics.  In November, we will host our first symposium, virtually, with the theme of “history should make you uncomfortable.” You can find more information about this here

We are dedicated to disseminating information that is publicly accessible while maintaining rigorous academic standards.

We encourage you to submit your work today!


Imperialism, Identity, and Image: